Final project research - Searching 2018

I decided to see this movie after seeing the trailer at the cinema during the previews. This movie is designed to emulate the feeling of looking at the events unfold through the lens of tchnology (mainly computers, the internet and phones).

The first thing thats clear in this movie is that the people behind this film know how technology works, they add insane amounts of detail even in areas of the 'screen' where we as an audience may not be looking at. Whether these details be text messages from unrelated characters or previous search histories, the creators knew that a film based within technology needed to make the technology feel real and used.

I have used technology as a big part of my projects and have used methods similar to that shown in the movie. I have used screen capturing a lot in my work and I have found it super interesting to try and construct a whole new digital identity. This movie was a really great source of inspiration for creating a story entirely within the confines of technology and what can be done with items most of us have day to day (computer/laptop, smartphone, internet access).


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