Fields & Frames - Synopsis & treatment


My fields & frames piece is going to be a film, all based on self-image through internet culture. It will include themes of objectifying people and self-image, exploring the promotion and advocation of eating disorders. It will use both live action footage myself and collaborator Nina Sayuri (year 2, DFSA) have taken, combining it with online media and heavy post-production handled by myself. The aesthetic will be a mix of glitchy and gritty pop-up, mixed with simplistic and clean. I want it to speak to people and speak of people, showing what we fear and how some of use manifest and encourage that fear online. To help the video flow better and give it some foundation, I want to structure it more like a PSA style film, this can be easily done with post-production.


The way I plan to create this piece is mainly through the use of found media and some live action captured by myself and my collaborator Nina Sayuri (DFSA, year 2).  We will have 3 full days to film all our own live action shots, and 3 full days of editing. This will give plenty of time to get everything ready and perfect for the final render. I have listed the main equipment I will need and I have worked on a shared mood board on Pinterest with Nina in order to get some ideas for the visual look for the live action parts of our film. 


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