Dance Video - OK GO

I have loved the band OK GO ever since we were introduced in college as part of our dance video essay. They always do very elaborate and colourful music videos, utilising space and camera perspective. 

OK GO - Writings on the wall

This is one of my favourite music videos by OK GO. They are constantly moving and changing camera angles. One minute they are on Segways and the next they are dancing with their reflection in the mirror. I love the constant movement and spontaneity. Everything is one full take and it makes it even more fluid and impressive. It works so well and makes it feel so addicting. 

OK GO - Here it goes again

This is arguably one of their most iconic music video's, becoming parodied and inspiration for many other artists. In this music video, the band members perform impressive dance moves, as they go between one treadmill to another. It's a really fun and fairly simple video, with a very bare set and few props. It's minimal but very well directed. 

OK GO - Upside down & inside out

This is definitely one of their most spectacular videos! it was all shot on a real plane at zero gravity. It is similar to their song 'writings on the wall' in how they choreograph their complex movements to sync in and create optical illusions. It is also seemingly all done in one take, making this even more impressive as we see them controlling and moving the camera in sync. They still use their signature bright colours and sens of fun to create this amazing video!


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