Studio shoot - Group B production meeting

So coming from the meeting with Rosie, Group B has been given feedback including:

  • Cinematographer (DO) Needs to work with dancers and the choreography to plan out camera and lighting, in prep for Fridays pre-light. 
  • Idea is ambitious but has not had enough rehersal or planning to solidify a concrete plan for the shoots execution 
  • Actors need to be fully confirmed and dedicated to the shoot days, as currently one actor is working a big role in Group A  
  • Group B need to finish puchases for the shoot 

So when it comes to issues with the actor/dancer, the producer Suzanne has offered to stand in and do the shoot as both actor and producer. This can work as a good backup but obviously at this stage, doubling up as two key roles may be quite taxing. Having two actors/dancers is key to the central theme of the film (opposites), so sorting this issue before monday (ideally friday this week) is vital.

Group B have been advised to potentially shorten the length of the film in order to better suit the less solid shoot foundations. This could be helpful but doesn’t negate the issues with actors avaliblity. Group B were also given the choice to merge with Group A, but neither groups were especially thrilled by this due to the planning work gone into each production.

The purchasing of shoot materials is happening today (21/11/17), The gaffer (Holly) has offered to run and grab materials with Joe & Paiges guidence.


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