Maps and Networks - Reflection on presentation feedback

So I presented my idea for the class and received an overall positive response from both my tutor and my class. Some of the feedback & questions I got included:

1) For the body marking idea, where and how would I get people to interact with the art? - This really made me think as I would obviously either need to do this in a similar way to preformative (a day in the gallery and afterwards mount up the work) or I would need to complete this before the gallery opening and find a space in the uni where people can do this. I need to think where I am allowed/able to set up space, it needs to be public/open enough that people can easily access it but I also need to think how much space is needed and if areas will allow paint and markers. 

2) For the body marking idea, how do you inform people what the art is about and how they are intended to interact with the piece? - Initially, I planned to have a video built into the interactive space (where people fill in the body sheets), that would outline the basic purpose of what they would be doing. However, depending on how and when I would be doing this part of the piece, I would need to include further set up (a screen with a memory stick) or go for something very simple like an instruction sheet/poster. If I was advertising people to interact with my piece, I could add a post on the UCA freshers page where I could link an instruction video, making it a bit more simple but that still leaves those who stumble across the piece in the dark. 

3) How many times can people write a comment in the performative piece idea? -  My plan was for each person to be allowed one chance to write a comment from either the positive or negative pile. 

4) What will people be using to write on you in the performative piece idea? - Initially my thoughts were something like a sharpie or paint, however, these can leave temporary stains which means I could be marked up for a few weeks. Now depending on where I allow people to write, this could be an issue for work or in general. This means I require further research and planning into what materials I will use. 


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