Maps and Networks - Stelarc

Stelarc is a well-known performance artist, his work focuses on the capabilities of the human body and how it can become developed and expanded. He has used robotics and technology to create his infamous pieces of artwork. 

Fractal Flesh - 'Ping Body' & 'Parasite' 

Ping body and parasite both explore the technological advancement of the human body and as to how far we change ourselves to become wired in. In Ping Body, we see Stelarc using electronic pulses into his muscles to control his bodily movements, creating an erratic and haunting piece of visual art. I like the idea of having technology control your body or mapping your body's movement and journey. I have explored the darker part of our integration and reliance on technology, so this is a theme I would like to explore further. 

 Ping body was used as the inspiration for a former DFSA's students project, where he live-streamed himself in the studio, allowing people to tell him what to do to himself. 


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