Experimental media - Multiscreen concept

During the process of creating my second portrait piece, people compared my research of Oleg Dou and heavily photoshopped images to mirror that of futuristic style avatars. The smooth skin and lack of recognisable flaws (skin tags, birthmarks, spots, freckles) was reminiscent of people's online alias and ideals for themselves. Creating a new entity for their presence online. 
For my multiscreen I wanted to follow this new line of looking at identity and the ever present influence of the online world.

My initial idea is to have on the right screen show various shots and angles of people's bodies and faces, with the people used wearing plain and neutral clothes. On the left screen I would have them design their ideal online identity using MMO avatar software like IMVU or SecondLife. These online player bases offer fairly limitless ways of customising your character and interacting with other players so I feel utilising real softwares would demonstrate the freedom of creating an online identity. The minimum amount of models/actors would be 2 (one female, one male), this would be to show that both genders possess this freedom and also lack of identity online. 

Rough example 

When it comes to shooting the models I would ideally like to film their shots within a controlled environment such as the photo studio. This would create a more neautral and simple backdrop to help accentuate the model in frame.  For the on screen avatar designing I would use a screen capture software such as OBS (Open Broadcast Software) to get high quality footage. 

The filming process would take approximately 3 days maximum, this would be to secure the studio and to allow the participants time to create their avatar. 

I will be editing the film both on after effects and premiere CC. The editing process will take a day maximum. 


  1. I suggest that you need to allow more than a day for editing . The project expects you to demonstrate good After Effects skills and you should know these can take time. Rendering also can be lengthy so please do not leave this to the last minute - I have seen so many melt downs on this project in the past and I would very much prefer to see you avoid that end!


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