Experimental media - Final pre-production planning


I want my theme of 'regression' to Center on the ideas of being stalked by the digital world, the feeling of being constantly connected through technology. I will have it relating back to the short video I made on materialisation, connecting our real-world fears and interactions to an online fantasy. The way I relate this to regression is through the idea of invading privacy, when the digital world controls too much of what we do/say, how we see ourselves and our interactions with others. Progressively through the film I want to show the deterioration of the ‘digital fantasy’, with the material on screen becoming far more manipulative and targeted, attempting to drag the viewer and ‘user’ away from reality


Shooting – The main method of filming for this piece will be using screen captured footage, this will lend towards the piece’s idea of technological involvement at all times. For live action filming I intend to use a static go-pro placed at the top of my computer monitor to mimic a web cam, within frame I want to see my university bedroom door and personal possessions around myself. This can be used as a method of shorthand to show the audience that the person has interests and has had outside experiences and interactions. I want the whole piece to feel claustrophobic and eerie.

Demographic – My demographic is mainly young adults and teens, however I want my film to be relevant for people of all ages, highlighting this scary new evolution in our social and personal lives.

Location -  The location of my filming will be my university bedroom, this is both due to having complete freedom of filming times as well as permissions, plus, it being perfectly suited for what I want to achieve with my film and the demographic it's aimed at.

Equipment & Software –
·        Go-Pro Hero session
·        PC/Desktop with screen capturing
·        Adobe CC full suite (after effects, Audition, Premiere)

Crew -  
My crew is going to nearly fully myself, this is due to the intimate and confines of my film along with what needs to be done for this film. I have asked for backup from some classmates in the event of being unable to fulfil my roles effectively or if I need extra help for part of my film.
     Director  - Adelaide Somers
·        Producer – Adelaide Somers
·        Editor – Adelaide Somers
·        Camera – Adelaide Somers & Holly Probert
·        Sound – Adelaide Somers


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