Experiemental media - Final sound piece


So I explained in my previous blog post that I felt this artwork reminded me both of natural disasters and also of separation. I wanted to work off that, brainstorming my thoughts on what these two things could sound like. 

With these in mind, I went about trying to construct a small library of sounds to experiment with. I first tried the sounds of water, something about water seems to ground a disaster back to earth a bit more. Almost like the calm after a storm. I tried various ways of capturing the sounds for this, including recording underwater. For the rest of my sounds it really varied as to what I would choose, I decided to capture the sound of fabric and folding after waking up to the sunlight in early morning. 

Overall I am fairly pleased with the outcome of this piece, I tried to create a piece that almost reflected the first few seconds before and after a natural disaster. I liked the use of echo's and repetition to build up this atmosphere of uncertainty. When I asked a few friends of what the piece reminded them of, one said it reminded them of water falling through the crack. Another described it as feeling like an abandoned mill. 


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