Experimental media - Original idea treatment & synopsis

Mood board

The synopsis -

I want my theme of 'regression' to Center on the ideas of being stalked by the digital world, the feeling of being constantly connected through technology. I will have it relating back to the short video I made on materialisation, connecting our real world fears and interactions to an online fantasy. The way I relate this to regression is through the idea of invading privacy, when the digital world controls too much of what we do/say, how we see ourselves and our interactions with others. 

The treatment -

So firstly I want this to take place in claustrophobic home environments, places like bedroom and house etc: using tight close ups and lack of human presence within frame except for the main actor. This will instil the feeling of isolation and trying to hide away, with the only other presence being the technology in the room. I want to keep a similar effect style to my materialisation work, keeping this almost eerie and digitalised. The opening shot should be something along the lines of someone looking at a screen, a close up of their eye and reflection of the screen showing. 

I want the technology to almost take on a personality and presence, behaving creepily and harrassing the main actor. I want it to be a threat, a danger, starting off kind and welcoming but becoming aggresive and relentless. 

Crew - 

I plan to produce this film on my own (without a group from DFSA), however I will require assistance with controlling the camera's when multiple are needed for a shot. I also want to have people involved for minor voice acting work and to play roles within the film. 

Story boards -


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