Experimental media - Experimental sound piece


I chose this piece for my experimental sound because I thought it had many ways it could be interpreted.  The artist Doris Salcedo likes to focus on the idea of the missing and vanished people, using her art to convey a sense of separation and unease. 

I have personally visited this exhibit with my family and I found it really interesting and surreal, at the time it reminded me of natural disasters and the concept of everything getting swallowed up so suddenly. Now when I look at it I also see the idea of possible separation of people, some sort of great divide. This idea of a great divide could be political or social, people's conflicting ideals causing this uncertain and empty silence and the danger of everything we know getting swallowed up. 

I want to have a constant feel of an unspoken evil, having sounds of whispering and hollow footsteps. Maybe sounds of a strong wind and trees far off in the distance, giving the feel of spanning emptiness. 


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