Portraits - term 2 briefing

What do you like about portrait photography?

I really like exploring ugliness and going against the typical aesthetic of portraiture, I don't want them to be expository of social issues but instead reflective of ones nasty and 'unlovable' flaws. I like the idea of very manipulative images showing uncomfortable behaviour or imagery. I also love the idea of candid photos, intimate and unseen behaviour from the average person, this can be anything from looking into the behaviour of couples to the actions of someone with mental health

Leah Gordon Portrature - Unit leaders work 

We were first talked through the history of Haiti, located in the Caribbean, we discussed the history of sugar plantations and slavery. Leah has worked within Haiti and was explaining her feels on photography in a place like that. This is related to what responsibility photographers have, whether they have an ethical obligation towards who they photograph, to be aware of the social dynamics that lie behind the culture.
The way she took her photos was on a medium format, with black and white film, she had to set up the shots long enough to take the photo, this meant trying to build a relationship with who she was capturing.

(Book: Kanaval - vodou, politics and revolution on the streets of Haiti)

-How can you convey a story?
-How can you give context to your images?
-How can you represent different cultures?
-How can you use shorthand in photography?
-How can you broaden the context of your image?
-How can you make links in your work?
-If I wanted to embody more harajuku fashion or imagery, should I broaden the context to a deeper look at the Culture?

The tailors of port-au-princ: The Redundancy of skills 

The tailors in Haiti were out of of most of their work due to the implementation of cheap western clothes, the photographs follow the tailors who have been mostly put out of work. She also took photos of the Haiti children in the handmade school uniforms, none of whom were directed for the shoot.

Ruude  Van Empel 

He digitally manipulates his images of children by using photoshop to idolate areas of each photo, weaving them back into one final image. Creating a collage of images to create one final image. Things such as enlarging the eyes, changing the mouth and nose too.

He started his art interest through drawing strip cartoons from the age of seven until sixteen, he was never happy with his cartoons outcomes but they got him into an art institute.

He never had an interest in good taste, he preferred things that could be ugly or beautiful.

(Film: A way to beauty)
(The office 1995) 

He draws a lot of inspiration from his memories and past, reflecting back on the things he treasures. His father used to use a darkroom within their house, the images he took also inspired Ruude.


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