Experimental media - Flying Lotus

Ready Err not

I have really liked flying lotus's musical work, however, this one really caught my eye. It has absolutely disgusting and nasty visuals, nothing in its universe has any positivity or beauty.  This whole piece is CGI and computer generated effects, however, the feeling of unnerving uncanny valley sticks with you throughout the whole film. 

To me I first read it as a possible reflection on postnatal depression, with the use of babies and pre-pubescent bodies being a source of horror. The constant symbolism of feeding off each other and even the use of an umbilical cord style cable running throughout the world again make me think of a mother depression. There is even a few scenes where a more adult style child creature emerges and seems to intimidate and harass the adult female in the film. 

I am a sucker for anything grotesque so I really like the body horror aspects of the video and how they seemed to feed into one another. I definitely thought its use of sound also aided the visuals, with wet slippery sounds and breathing really making the whole thing an uncomfortable experience. 

If I were to incorporate any potential horror elements into my piece then I would want to make it more personal to myself, perhaps playing on my own current or past insecurities such as my skin (ance) or the way I see my body. 


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